Vision 2037

City of Cottage Grove 2037 Vision and Action Plan

Cottage Grove 2037 is a community-wide visioning process sponsored by the City of Cottage Grove and a diverse array of community organizations, including the South Lane School District, Cottage Grove Sentinel, Emerald People’s Utility District, Cottage Grove Community Hospital, Friends of Mt. David and the Cottage Grove Community Foundation among others.  The year 2037 was chosen as the target date for “bringing the vision to life” because it coincides with the City’s 150th birthday (the sesquicentennial) – a time of celebration.

While we are planning for a long away date, the reality is that many of the proposed actions will get started right away.  

While this plan will influence how the city operates, it is not a City plan. It is a community plan, made by
the people who live, work, learn and play here.

Together, Cottage Grove residents created a vision for our hometown and a road map to get us there – a place our children and grandchildren will be proud to call home.  The action plan focuses on four main areas:

Expanding and Integrating Community Networks,
Enhancing Urban Places and Spaces,
Investing in a Diverse and Sustainable Economy, and
Preserving and Promoting Environmental Assets.